If I were a young girl planning my wedding, I’d go gaga over Barbie Bridal’s collection of sweet, pink wedding dresses! Warning: this entry is full of gowns of the cute, frilly and princessy variety.
A pink gown with black accessories is more Avril Lavigne Punk Rock Princess than “I want a pony!” Daddy’s little girl. Gosh! Love how the color of the tulle skirt go gradually from shocking pink to a blush of baby rose.

Record high — glamorously collapsing into a pile of fluffy tulle. If your gown is anything like this, you shouldn’t let the chance to take at least one photo with this pose pass.

This may be someone’s idea of a perfect fairytale fantasy ball gown. Black sequin stripes and three types of pink. Oh, and a huge bow.

Looking fabulous, doll! I like the color of the shoes, actually. Imagine this pair in striking fuchsia peeking out of a long white gown while you walk.

The bow and the beautiful.

Oh, this photo is so lovely. Look at the colors of the props in this frame! Everything in its place to give me an instant sugar rush. Pastel blue cushions, pale orange ribbons, tiny roses in her hair and a table full of pink nail polish and cotton balls. Don't spill it on your dress!

We call this the "act cute" pose. But the model gets away with it because she's young and sweet looking. :)

Modern Cinderella - sweet, white wedding gowns.

Black ruffle dress with pink trim and accessories, and the reverse. Which do you like better?

Black and blue and blowing kisses at you -- black and baby blue ruffle dress. Cute bows on all the gloves.

I'm gonna have my cake and eat it too, says the girl with the mega huge fantastical giant dinosaur bow on her back. Ok, that bow is really big but, if it floats your boat....

I think the collection looks great on young kids. These are from the Flower Girl collection.

"La di da... I'm a Barbie Girl in a Barbie world.. " All together now.. Aaaaw....

Barbie Bridal wedding dresses are available in Japan. For more information, visit the website.