Here are some beautiful creations from stylist, makeup artist and scarf designer Jailan Atef.
Many Malay ladies wear tiaras on their wedding day as brides and grooms are considered raja sehari (literally royalty for a day) and wearing a tudung (what we call a head covering here) doesn’t stop her from fulfilling her Princess Dream.
To start off, here are two common ways a hijabi princess in Singapore would wear her headgear with a tiara. Over her head scarf like a decorated hair band with the veil fanning at the back or higher on the crown of her head with the veil cascading around it. I like the beaded edges of the veil on the right, it complements the tiara. A bride would pair these styles with a high-neck wedding dress.

Here’s an interesting way to wear the veil sans tiara and high-collared gown — stylishly wrapped around the hair and neck with a flower at the side as a point of interest. But the layers of tulle around the neck may be a bit warm for the tropical weather of countries in this region (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia).

An alternative to tiara and flowers is intricate beadwork or embroidery. Which camp are you in? Less is more or more is MORE? I like the left one for its simplicity but I am also attracted to the hanging pearls for its dripping-with-luxurious-decadence look on the right.

Some pretty ideas to show em’ your best side. I really like the group of butterflies at the side of her scarf, would look lovely for an outdoors/garden-themed wedding, no? Lovely profile pictures. Brides, remember to keep posture in check while making poses like these for the camera.

Here’s another look — a decorated hair band over a head scarf. Very cute look on the right. So adorable! Ah to be young and have a sweet face like the model!

Some lovely bejewelled head pieces. Love both these pieces. Amount of gemstones on the bodice of the dress matches matches the head dress. Bring on the bridal bling!

Simpler styles for the understated bride. Elegantly sophisticated. I love the curled ribbons of satin with the asymmetric collar of tulle (the left pic).

And for contrast, a more extravagant, over-the-top style head wrap. Somehow reminds me of local celebrity Rahimah Rahim with her iconic turban-style head dress.

From Jailan Atef, for more information check out this website.